When I was growing up, we'd go over to my grandparents house on Saturday nights to listen to music. My grandpa had a music room in his basement where he and his friends would play everything from gospel to country. My brother, sister, and I would run around and dance. It was such a special time that I will forever treasure! Music was happy, upbeat, and joyful.
My own children and I used to crank up the worship music and dance around as we cleaned the house. My youngest would grab his guitar and pretend to play along. Music is such an experience that touches our souls and causes us to move physically and emotionally.
Then, when we go to church, where is our passion in worship? Are we truly singing to the creator of the universe or just merely calling out words? If I can be excited about worship when I am at home, what should change when I am at church?
I decided not to let church hinder my worship. I won't run or dance in circles, because I don't want to distract others, but I will raise my hands. I will sing to a holy Father with my hands raised and my heart prepared.
What will heaven be like? Will we bow down in worship, hearts and hands lifted to our creator, or will we stand politely, arms folded, lip syncing the words? Our prayers and our worship could use some powerful, thirsty cries from our heats. Worship like you mean it. Worship like you are thirsty for Almighty God. We need it.
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