Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mom points

As moms, we can be pretty hard on ourselves.  We can often find the faults in ourselves quicker than we can find the good.  So tonight, when my daughter texted me that she “missed my cooking” because she is at her aunt’s house and they never eat “homemade”, that warmed my heart.  I think I’ll add that up as a win. 
Or when my 16 year-old son told me that he now prefers wheat bread over white.  Victory!
Or when my kids ask for more asparagus or broccoli.  I think I’ll count it. 
Maybe those wins will balance out all those times when I forgot to have them brush their teeth, or read a story.  Maybe I might be succeeding after all…at least in the little things. J

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For my son Jeffrey's 16th birthday, I made him an ice cream cake.  It was really easy.  I purchased a package of Oreos, a gallon of cookies and cream ice cream, and a tub of whipped cream (Cool Whip).  I took one package (row) of Oreos and crushed them in my food chopper.  Then I mixed them with 1/4 cup melted butter and put them on the bottom of a spring form pan to make the crust.  I packed it pretty well then stuck it in the freezer for a few minutes.  I then took the ice cream (melting) and put it on top of the crust.   I let that sit in the freezer for a minutes also.  Then I covered the top in Cool Whip and added a few crushed Oreos to the top.  I froze it for a few hours.  To serve, I took it out of the freezer for 5 minutes, ran a knife (dipped in hot water) around the edges, then released it from the spring form pan.  You could add in layers of Oreos, chocolate syrup, cake or whipped cream if you have time to let every layer freeze/melt.  I didn't have that much time, but it turned out great anyway!  I also made one in a holiday plastic tub and gave it to my friend Holly.  You could also use a store bought Oreo pie crust and make an ice cream pie.  I just wanted the leftover Oreos!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Adventures in Tutus

Today I made tutus for my nieces.  It was soooo easy!  You need elastic and 2 spools of tulle.  The elastic I had was 1/2 inch.  I cut it into 20" sections to fit their waists.  I found the tulle in the fabric or wedding section of Hobby Lobby.  The tulle is usually 4.99 per roll, but it was on sale for $1.50!  I cut the tulle into strips that were 4 feet long.  Then I doubled up the tulle and doubled again, then slip-knot it around the elastic. It took me 24 pieces of the tulle in order to go around the entire skirt.  I secured the elastic ends with thread and voila!  Cute dress up tutu!  You could add flower embellishments, etc.  I found really easy directions on youtube.