Tuesday, June 7, 2022


 Abraham is in the "Hall of Fame" when it comes to faith.  Why did God choose to include a story about Abraham in the bible?  He was an ordinary man who led an extraordinary life.  Abraham did not part the sea, defeat Goliath, get swallowed by a whale, or defeat great armies.  What did Abraham do?  He believed.  He had faith (Genesis 15:6).  He was righteous because of faith.  He followed God, who gave him a vision of a great nation.  Abraham never witnessed this promise.  Sometimes the promise and the provision are not delivered at the same time.  Abraham was a part of God's plan (Genesis15:12-16), but he wasn't the only part of God's plan.  His part was to stay faithful and learn about the character of God. If we feel that we are living the mundane, day to day life, let's look at Abraham.  He was born.  He married.  He moved.  He raised cattle.  He received a promise that he would not see fully fulfilled.  He moved around.  He met with God.  He saved Lot (twice-once by force and once by God).  He had a son.  He died.  

Sometimes God calls people for great things and we feel like God should call us to something really BIG.  We should do something significant in this lifetime.  But in reality, most of the time, God just calls us to obey and be faithful.  God had big plans for Abraham.  He was called to go in order to see where his descendants would one day live.  

God also showed himself to others through Abraham.  Maybe God is not calling me to something big.  Maybe He is calling me to worship and faithfully obey.  To pass on my faith to my children.  To share God's love with those around me.  I am a part of God's plan, just not the only part.